Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Hello World.

It's August, I am sitting at the LAGCC admissions office the lady officiating my direct admit application looks at me like I'm crazy, "So you already have your degree and your looking to come to LaGuardia?" Sitting in her office is where I first composed the introduction that I have had to tell countless of times in the past two months because for some reason, here in LAGCC, everyone thinks I'm crazy. 
Hello, my name is Crystal. I went to Hunter College, I got my degree in Psychology - no one in the real world cares. Naturally, I am trying to get my Masters in something, don't want to do it in Psychology - can't stand hearing peoples problems, got enough of my own. I work in Accounting, I like numbers and I like to organize data, data is wysiwyg, no surprises. 
Ok - there is a MS program that I want to do but I have absolutely no programming experience, need more math classes and need to get to know some new professors, all the professors at Hunter forgot about me already. Could do all of this at a senior college but a) classes are cheaper here and b) my mom lives like ten minutes from campus and she watches my son. Bringing me, in a weird backdoor kind of way, to LAGCC. 
The room is silent for a minute, same lady is looking at me - her eyes dart around the room, then lands on my application. 
"OK, Ms. Aya, do you have the money order to complete the application?"
Her naturally bulging eyes blink a few times, I reach into my purse and wondered why I even tried to convince her otherwise.

So here I am, in this class, because my academic adviser advised me that while all my liberal arts from my first degree transferred, none fulfilled the "creative expressions" core. You can only believe the laugh I gave him but I when I saw this class I said why not? I like to write and I'd love an opportunity to get my writing some well deserved tuning up. 
